Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dear Patient:

"The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching." — John Wooden

Dear Patient:

I should be diligently working, but instead, I decided to read the local newspaper online. That's when I saw the headline: "Prominent radiologist was 'more than great'". I knew it was you - it just had to be. I had no idea how much you have done in the medical community until now.

Back in February, I knew you were a doctor. I knew that you liked football. We had a enjoyable discussion about our Pac-10 rivalry teams. You showed me your Kindle and told me how awesome it was, especially since you were going through your chemo treatments.

You touched my life that day. That day, I learned that working with oncology patients could be a life-changing experience.

When you told me you were on your last round of chemo, I didn't expect you to have such a positive outlook.

Thank you for giving me that gentle reminder that my life truly is amazing.

You will be missed.